Ranking every film in the MCU from Iron Man to The Marvels

In 2008, the release of “Iron Man” would launch the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe aka the MCU. While adaptations of Marvel comic books had already been done many times years prior, “Iron Man” would be the first step in creating a universe shared amongst a core set of Marvel characters that would eventually join forces in one epic adventure. Thirty-three films later, and the MCU has grown beyond anything anyone could have ever imagined, becoming the highest grossing film franchise in the world.

Which film stands above the rest? It’s time to strap on our leather boots, strike a pose and find out.

*This post was updated on November 22, 2023

33. The Incredible Hulk (2008)

Photo: Marvel Studios

A movie so disjointed that even Marvel tries to pretend it doesn’t exist. This adaptation of the Hulk was only the second MCU movie ever made and it’s clear they were still trying to fix the kinks. With the recasting of Mark Ruffalo, “The Incredible Hulk” starring Edward Norton quickly became irrelevant in the MCU canon. The Hulk and Abomination fight scenes are cool, but nothing special and the origin story is a bit of a snooze.

32. Iron Man 2 (2010)

Photo: Marvel Studios

Full disclosure, Iron Man movies have never been my favourite and “Iron Man 2” is by far the worst. The plot is jumbled with so many balls up in the air and a lot of loose ends never actually addressed. It relies too heavily on action, with weak villains in Whiplash and Justin Hammer, and Tony Stark’s charming sarcasm is just obnoxious at this point. At least the film introduced the world to Black Widow, so it gets a few bonus points for that.

31. Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Photo: Marvel Studios

The plot of this Thor sequel is often incoherent. It relies too heavily on humour to make up for the fact that the villain, Malekith is super boring and the origin story of the Infinity Stones isn’t the most exciting tale. The high-stakes action sequences are what we’ve come to expect from the MCU, but again nothing to write home about. Thor and Loki’s shaky brother relationship does make up for the plot blandness though.

30. Doctor Strange (2016)

Photo: Marvel Studios

Despite the beauty of the magical world in which “Doctor Strange” takes the place, the film itself is rather dull. It takes up so much time trying to decipher the rules of the mystical arts that by the time we get to the fighting and mind-blowing visuals, you’re still trying to figure out what exactly is going on. It doesn’t help that Stephen Strange is such an insufferable and arrogant person that it’s hard to root for the guy.

29. Ant-Man (2015)

Photo: Marvel Studios

“Ant-Man” has the exact opposite problem of “Doctor Strange”. The story is a little too simple and the stakes don’t seem high enough for viewers to be fully invested in the outcome. It also relies too heavily on origin tropes from past MCU films, without using the elements we’ve come to love. Simply put, it tries too hard to be a heist movie, but Scott Lang is a delight and it’s hard not to root for him even in this mediocre story.

28. Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)

Photo: Marvel Studios

With the origin story out of the way, this Ant-Man sequel was given the freedom to have fun. It was a welcome change of pace following the grim final scene of Infinity War, and bringing Wasp into the mix is exactly what was needed to freshen the landscape of the MCU. While the characters have great chemistry, the film suffers from a lack of focus and core conflict and it’s unclear what plot elements we’re supposed to care about most.

27. Iron Man 3 (2013)

Photo: Marvel Studios

The final Iron Man film makes up for a lot of the mistakes that were made in “Iron Man 2”, making Tony Stark the man the focus of the story rather than the superhero identity. With that, Tony feels much more human again, and while he can still be a bit much at times, his battle with PTSD is compelling. The Mandarin plot is also an exciting twist, but the film does get docked a few points for being overstuffed with unnecessary side plots for Pepper Pots.

26. Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)

Photo: Marvel Studios

It was nearly impossible for Taika Waititi to once again deliver the lightning in a bottle that is Ragnarok. While Love and Thunder definitely doesn’t live up to its predecessor, Chris Hemsworth still manages to deliver a fantastic performance as the God of Thunder, with his signature blend of humour and heart. Although it was nice to tie up the loose ends of Jane’s story, her transformation into a superhero didn’t exactly give off the epic vibes the film intended. It’s a fun movie, but definitely not groundbreaking in any way.   

25. Iron Man (2008)

Photo: Marvel Studios

The pioneer of the MCU, it’s clear from the get-go that Marvel was still trying to find its footing with “Iron Man”. Having said that, one can’t argue the importance of this film and the cultural impact it has had in the superhero landscape. Again, the origin story and lack of an interesting villain makes the pacing a little slow, but Robert Downey Jr. somehow manages to make an arrogant billionaire turn into a beloved icon.

24. Eternals (2021)

Photo: Marvel Studios

On the surface, “Eternals” tells a compelling story of a band of unknown worldly heroes, each with interesting personalities and struggles of their own. Chloé Zhao does a remarkable job of capturing the magnetic wonder of these heroes as they struggle with the balance of their duty to a greater being and their love of humanity. It’s always gorgeous and the acting is superb, but even two and a half hours isn’t enough time to invest in nine new complex characters that don’t feel connected to the greater MCU.

23. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2022)

The Ant-Man series has always leaned towards low-stakes goofy antics. Quantumania flips the script on what we are used to with Scott Lang and gives an equally fun and weird story directly in the Quantum Realm with much higher stakes thanks to the excellently performed role of Kang the Conqueror who comes into play in a major way. While the movie suffers from an uneven tone and having to set up what’s to come in this next sage of the MCU, it is the most entertaining film of the Ant-Man bunch.

22. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

Photo: Marvel Studios

Picking up right where the brilliance of the first film left off, Vol.2 leans heavily on the chemistry the team has developed and the humour they bring out in each other. Drax in particular gets his chance to shine in the comedy department and Baby Groot is as adorable as ever. The soap opera/daddy issues story for Peter is a little extra, but the story does ensure Yondu received the redemption arc he deserved.

21. Captain Marvel (2019)

Photo: Marvel Studios

The first female-led Marvel superhero film was long overdue and delivered in a lot of ways, but also fell short, mainly due to the weight of the origin story. The character of Carol Danvers has great potential and the ’90s backdrop was a welcome change of pace. Her chemistry with Nick Fury adds a layer of humanity to a character who comes off as standoffish at first. It’s a decent movie, but Captain Marvel has the ability to give so much more.

20. The Marvels (2023)

It’s definitely not the most epic team up movie of the MCU, but it’s a fun romp that doesn’t take itself very seriously. “The Marvels” does have some story and theme elements that don’t work, specifically its disconnection to plot lines from the first “Captain Marvel”. However, the chemistry between the three leading ladies is what makes this movie lots of fun, bringing out a different side of Carol Danvers we haven’t seen yet. Let’s be real though it’s Ms. Marvel that’s the true star of the film.

19. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

Photo: Marvel Studios

At first watch, the origin story of Captain America is a bit of a snooze, but in hindsight, it’s incredibly unique from every other MCU movie out there. Set in the backdrop of World War II, the action is merely scenery for a film in which the main focus is a love story between Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter. It’s hard to deny that the love between those two beautiful specimens carries this film.

18. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

Photo: Marvel Studios

The second Avengers film had a lot of expectations to live up to and it may have been nearly impossible for it do so, it definitely tries its hardest, perhaps even a little too hard. The plot is extremely complex, and could have maybe used a bit more time to breathe. Nevertheless, Ultron does feel like a significant threat to the world and the introduction of Wanda and Vision is done seamlessly. It’s a great action movie that doesn’t always get the recognition it deserves.

17. Black Widow (2021)

Photo: Marvel Studios

After 11 years of waiting, Black Widow finally gets her own solo adventure! Since the character of Natasha Romanoff has been well-established, a heavy origin story wasn’t needed. Instead the film excellently weaves in her family history with the events following Civil War, a time in which she was alone and on the run. Yelena Belova will without a doubt be a breakout character in the MCU for years to come, and as for Black Widow herself, this was the rightful ending she deserved.

16. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)

Photo: Marvel Studios

There is no question that “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” is Marvel’s most visually stunning film, perfectly blending the beauty of Asian culture with a magical realm that’s never been seen in a Marvel film before. The martial arts action is also superb and Wenwu rivals the franchise’s best and most layered villains. There are one too many flashbacks that can be a bit of a snooze, but the fun action and great characters more than makes up for a couple of plot lags.

15. Thor (2011)

Photo: Marvel Studios

“Thor” is one of the few origin stories that doesn’t feel weighed down because of that fact. The film introduces the land of Asgard and the world of the God of Thunder right out of the gate, and proceeds to then focus on the Hamlet-esque story between Thor and Loki. Loki’s jealousy of his brother and Thor’s journey to finding humility come at a crossroads in a battle. The actual plot may not be as strong as its two leads, but their chemistry more than makes up for some of the films other bland plotlines.

14. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

Photo: Marvel Studios

No one thought we needed another Spider-Man movie in our lives but the charm and positive outlook of Tom Holland’s Peter Parker has collectively warmed the hearts of every comic book fan out there. What Homecoming does perfectly is fully embrace the teenage angst without revisiting the Spider-Man origin story we’ve seen a million times. It’s a story of a kid trying to balance the life of being a superhero and a teenager, bringing much needed cheer and a story closer to home.

13. Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)

Photo: Marvel Studios

The first film released following the events of Endgame, Far From Home sees a more grown up Peter Parker trying to adjust to the new world. Despite the trauma everyone has faced, Far From Home still captures the charm, sincerity and fun of the first film with a much more unique and captivating villain in Jake Gyllenhaal’s Mysterio. All of this and the super cute teenage romance of Peter and MJ, makes “Spider-Man: Far From Home” such a rich adaptation of the iconic character.

12. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)

Photo: Marvel Studios

With Doctor Strange’s mythic arts world well-established, Multiverse of Madness is able to dive right into the action and tells a character driven story that blurs the line of heroes and villains. Benedict Cumberbatch keeps the film grounded, while Elizabeth Olsen delivers one of the best MCU film performances to date. Director Sam Raimi does such a great job embracing the madness in this sequel by adding some unexpected horror elements. The surprise cameos are also fun, even with such a head scratching ending for them. It’s a wildly different MCU film that leaves you excited for what else is to come.

11. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)

Photo: Marvel Studios

It’s hard to compare this sequel with the rest of the MCU. It is an action film that continues the narrative of blurred lines between right and wrong that director, Ryan Coogler established in the first film, but it’s also a tribute to a beloved actor gone too soon. “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” is an emotional gut punch, exemplified by Angela Basset’s phenomenal performance as Queen Ramonda. The introduction of Ironheart, Namor and the city of Talokan also opens up a new era of storytelling for the franchise. It can feel at bit overstuffed, but it’s easy to overlook after going through a box of tissues and still being amazed by the beauty and power of Wakanda.

10. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)

The final run for the Guardians as we know them wrapped up in an equal parts hilarious and emotional journey. Volume 3 tells a compelling backstory for Rocket that enables him to become the leader we all know he can be. It’s a story that tugs at the heart strings, but still manages to keep the heart and humour we know and love. It also gives Starlord the chance to redeem himself from past indiscretions, features heroics from usual side characters, introduces fun additions for future Guardians films and beautifully gives closure to the greatest superhero team remaining.

9. Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Photo: Marvel Studios

The conclusion of a journey that lasted 11 years and 21 movies, Endgame is a marvelous moment in cinematic history. After that Infinity War cliffhanger, Endgame begins at a very dark time for the world, and that darkness looms for a long period of the 3 hour film. Although it takes a while for the action to pick up, with some complicated time travelling mixed in to boot, Endgame ends with non-stop thrills and action, beautifully wrapping up the story of beloved heroes and introducing the world to many more.

8. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Photo: Marvel Studios

This was Marvel’s first step into the world of weird, and they hit it out of the ball park. “Guardians of the Galaxy” brings together such a dynamic group of characters that instantly have viewers hooked. Peter Quill is the unabashedly handsome rogue with a heart of gold, Gamora is the bad girl turned good, Drax is the muscle with few brains and Rocket and the Groot are the ultimate dynamic duo. Their journey to becoming teammates is pure entertainment at its finest.

7. Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Photo: Marvel Studios f

Besides a few brief scuffles, the Avengers have always been a well oiled machine until the Sakovia Accords and the reintroduction of Winter Soldier. A dispute between the Avenger’s two leaders leads to the introduction of two epic characters in Spider-Man and Black Panther, as well as one of the most badass battles the MCU has ever seen between the heroes themselves. Usually the action sequences and comedy are separated in Marvel films, but Civil War blends them together flawlessly, and the ending only left a desire for more.

6. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Photo: Marvel Studios

Prior to Winter Soldier, Marvel’s standalone films were just okay. However, Winter Soldier busts that trend with terrific action sequences and rich character development. At its core, it’s a high octane spy story, bringing back a personal favourite character in Bucky Barnes. Steve Rogers is a man with morals, but he’s also a man that believes in protecting who and what he believes in, and that faith is tested at every turn. It’s the film that defined Captain America as one of the most compelling characters in the MCU.

5. Marvel’s The Avengers (2012)

Photo: Marvel Studios

Marvel fans have been spoiled with Infinity War and Endgame, but before those came the world’s first epic team up. Bringing all these big names together for one grand adventure was just a cinema pipe dream until this film finally arrived. The anticipation was real, and The Avengers destroyed any and all expectations. Loki was the perfect foil to this ragtag group of heroes who needed to come together for the common good. All these years later and it still evokes that feeling of, “I remember where I was when I watched The Avengers.”

4. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

Photo: Marvel Studios

Thor always had the potential to be something different than the other Avengers, but that spirit hadn’t been fully captured until Ragnarok. Taika Waititi brilliantly allowed the God of Thunder to be silly and just plain ridiculous. Stripped of his homeland, his hair and his hammer, Thor feels more human than ever before and relies on The Hulk, Loki and one of the most interesting new MCU characters in Valkyrie. It’s pure entertainment that also contains so much heart and humanity, ensuring Thor’s place as the best Avenger.

3. Black Panther (2018)

Photo: Marvel Studios

When a superhero film is nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars (an institution that normally scoffs at the superhero genre), you know it has to be amazing. Every character in “Black Panther” is emotionally compelling from Shuri to Okoye to Kill Monger to T’Challa himself. And with a beautiful backdrop in Wakanda, the film is able to explore real topical issues like race and social change while still being an action-packed Marvel film. Arguably, it’s the MCU movie that has had the biggest cultural impact in the world and for years to come people around the world will still be saying “Wakanda Forever!”

2. Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

Photo: Marvel Studios

During press, Tom Holland described this film as a celebration of three generations of cinema, and it does just that and way more. “No Way Home” is a cinematic journey unlike anything this writer has ever experienced. There are moments of pure joy, gut busting laughs and devastating heartbreak. Loose ends from past Spider-Man movies are masterfully tied up, there are Easter eggs hidden throughout the entire film and Holland and Zendaya in particular deliver the performances of their lives. There is nothing quite like this movie, and frankly after a few more watches it could easily earn the top spot of not only the best MCU movie, but best superhero movie of all-time. It’s THAT GOOD.

1. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Photo: Marvel Studios

Bringing together every Marvel superhero that had been introduced to the MCU could have been plain messy, but somehow Infinity War not only makes it work but it does it effortlessly. Seeing the interactions between our favourite heroes that haven’t worked together adds a new layer of fun and of course, those huge battles scenes with the heroes and Thanos’ minions are nothing short of spectacular. Thanos is an exceptional villain and the fact that he actually defeated the Avengers and leaves the universe forever changed – that moment will forever leave me haunted. It was simply groundbreaking entertainment at its best.

What’s your favourite film from the MCU? Let us know in the comments below or on one of our social media channels. And make sure to follow Frozen Mouse Fever for all your Disney needs.

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