From Phineas and Ferb to Recess: Ranking the 9 best Disney Channel Animated TV series

It’s been five years since the eccentric brother duo of Phineas and Ferb went on their last summer adventure, and after many years of waiting it’s Candace’s turn. In anticipation of the release of “Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against the Universe,” we at Frozen Mouse Fever thought it would be fun to see where the wacky brothers and their crime fighting platypus stood amongst the rest of Disney Channel’s best animated cartoons.

From early pioneers such as “Ducktales” and “Talespin” to today’s latest offerings like “Big Hero Six: The Series” and “Ducktales” the revival – Disney Channel has literally come full circle in the world of television animation. Of course, every generation will have different answers to which deserves the number one spot, and given that this writer is a Millennial-Gen Z cusper, expect to see a lot of 2000s fanfare. However, that doesn’t mean Disney Channel’s early pioneers and newest offerings weren’t given a fair shake.

So as we wait for the return of Phineas and Ferb, let’s all bask in the nostalgia of the greatest cartoon shows any kid could ask for.

Honourable Mentions

Photo: Walt Disney Animation

Ducktales: A pioneer in every respect, “Ducktales” was the first hugely successful Disney animated TV show and helped to launched the animated fare we know and love today. It deserves a nod for that alone.

Dave the Barbarian: This show may have only lasted one season, but that was simply because it was way ahead of its time. By defying gender norms one dragon fight at a time, Dave and his family always knew how to bring a chuckle with every adventure.

The Replacements: This show was strange AF, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t great. Todd and Riley were living the dream and replacing ridiculously annoying adults with much cooler and “sometimes” more capable people. Let’s just say, it’s 2020 and we could definitely use Fleemco. right about now.

Elena of Avalor: While most Disney Princesses are introduced to the world through film, the world of Elena was introduced on Disney Channel, and the first Latin American Disney princess quickly became a phenomenon with the kids. She’s smart, she’s loyal and she’s breaking down barriers for young Latina girls in each and every episode. This “future” Queen has more than earned a place in the honourable mentions.

Gravity Falls: Truth be told, I’ve never watched a single episode of this show. However, it has such an incredibly devoted cult following and has been deemed by many critics to be one of the most clever Disney cartoons of any generation. For that reason alone, it deserves an honourable mention.

The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: During the early 90s, Disney was obsessed with turning their successful animated films into TV shows. While most were average at best, Pooh Bear and friends stood out from the pack and charmed every Disney kid week in and week out with their silly antics.

9. (Tie) Fillmore!/The Emperor’s New School

Photo: Walt Disney Animation

Okay so these two shows are wildly different, but it was impossible to choose which deserved a spot on this list more than the other. “Fillmore!” wasn’t like any other Disney Channel show. It was a parody of police procedurals that took police work to the schoolyard. With the badass duo of Fillmore and Ingrid, all delinquents at X Middle School were in serious trouble. It was an action packed drama made for kids and the cop dramas of today could definitely learn a lesson or two from this gem.

“The Emperor’s New School” was a continuation of its incredibly underrated film, and just like the movie itself, it was a bundle of laughs, each and every episode. Kuzco is such a lovable anti-hero, with his crush Malina and father-figure Pacha providing him with the guidance he needed to be a better person and future ruler. Oh, and Yzma and Kronk somehow managed to up the ante with each of their new schemes. This show was comedy gold at its finest.

8. Lilo & Stitch: The Series

Photo: Walt Disney Animation

Stitch is arguably the greatest (and most marketable) Disney character ever created, so it was a no-brainer for the adorable alien and his pal Lilo to get their own show. What made “Lilo & Stitch: The Series” so much better than most Disney movie spin off shows, was the fact that it didn’t feel random or unnecessary. Stitch’s mission was set out from the beginning – to find the remaining alien experiments that the mad scientist Jumba created. Stitch’s growth as a character was so important to the series as he and Lilo always did their best to help reform the experiments and welcome them into their Ohana, just like Lilo, Nani and David did for Stitch in the movie. Each episode managed to perfectly combine heart, humour and adventure all in one sitting.

7. House of Mouse

Photo: Walt Disney Animation

“House of Mouse” was every Disney fans dream. Mickey Mouse and the rest of the Toontown gang helped run a highly successful dinner theater with guests ranging from Cinderella to Bambi. While Mickey, Minnie and friends were the main protagonists of the show, it was the surprise element of not knowing which Disney character you were going to see that week that made “House of Mouse” so iconic. Every Disney character from every Disney era got their chance in the spotlight as they either attempted to help Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Donald Duck save the day, or attempted to steal the dinner theater from right under them. With so many new characters introduced to the World of Disney, let’s hope that one day “House of Mouse” gets the revival it rightly deserves, because we need to see Elsa and Baymax enjoying dinner theater together pronto.

6. Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure

Photo: Walt Disney Animation

“Tangled” is hands down one of the greatest films of Disney’s modern era. It created such wonderful and complex characters and makes complete sense why the film continued in this way. “Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure” has the same heart and humour we’ve come to expect from the people of Corona, but what makes it different from the film is that Rapunzel has grown so much since leaving the Tower and with Mother Gothel out of her way, she now has her chance to be her own person. Unlike most Disney Channel cartoons, this show takes us on one long journey to find answers to why her hair has grown back and what it all means. Over the course of three seasons, Rapunzel deals with love, loss and betrayal, everything she’s never had to worry about before. It’s truly one of the most compelling cartoon TV shows Disney Channel has ever developed.

5. The Weekenders

Photo: Walt Disney Animation

This show was on repeat everyday before school, because let’s face it – every kid is working for the weekend, and Tino, Lor, Tish and Carver made even the most mundane weekends seem like so much fun. “The Weekenders” is arguably one of the most criminally underrated Disney Channel shows. Some considered it just an updated version of “Recess”, but in actuality, it was unique in that it dealt with much more grown-up issues that a lot of preteens are facing and just not talking about. From first crushes to parental divorces to culture clashes to doing everything you possibly can to fit in with the cool crowd, “The Weekenders” secretly defined the pre-teen experience. But what made “The Weekenders” so special was its willingness to bring these diverse quad of characters together and highlight the importance of forming close friendships with people who are different from you during the early stages of young adulthood.

4. Phineas and Ferb

Photo: Walt Disney Animation

The reason “Phineas and Ferb” is making a comeback with a new film on Disney+ is simple: it was a highly successful show that wasn’t afraid to get weird. From the onset, “Phineas and Ferb” established itself as a comedy that will never-ever take itself seriously. It’s the ultimate escape for children and adults alike. Whether it’s the wacky ideas Phineas and Ferb come up with to have the best summer vacation ever or their platypus who secretly battled the evil and emotionally damaged Dr. Doofenshmirtz, this show was never afraid to take risks and be out-of-this-world insane. When you get to have your own crossover TV specials with Marvel and Star Wars, you know you’re a bonafide hit, and “Phineas and Ferb” proves that sometimes the most offbeat ideas lead to the best shows.

3. The Proud Family

Photo: Walt Disney Animation

Unapologetically Black in every sense, “The Proud Family” is what every family comedy should be. Up until this show, it was rare to see the Black family experience represented in children’s television. The show was never afraid to touch on the realities People of Colour often face. For example, their Black History Month episode where Penny travels back to a time where her white friend Zoey can no longer be friends with her because of segregation, or the episode where the Muslim family Penny is living with for a cultural exchange program come home to see their house vandalized with racist graffiti. However, the show also normalized the idea of Black love, both romantic and familial. With a revival of the show in the works at Disney+, “The Proud Family” will enable new generations kids as well as young adults like myself who grew up with this show to be reminded that Black families like the Prouds are more similar to our own families than we think.

2. Kim Possible

Photo: Walt Disney Animation

“Kim Possible” had everything you could every want in a show: action, adventure, comedy, a budding romance and an adorable naked mole rat. The opening line in the theme song, “I’m your basic average girl and I’m here to save the world”, perfectly summed up the essence of “Kim Possible.” Kim really was just a normal girl who happened to be good at gymnastics and cheer. Somehow in her quest to make some extra cash, she got roped into crime fighting and the rest, they say, is history. Kim Possible was one of the first female-led action shows on Disney Channel and she showed little girls everywhere that they can be the hero of their own story, and have a goofy male sidekick/best friend/future boyfriend alongside them every step of the way. A true Queen in every sense, we shall all bow down to Kim Possible for breaking down barriers and shattering the glass ceiling each and every time she stopped one of Dr. Drakken’s diabolical plans.

1. Recess

Photo: Walt Disney Animation

If it wasn’t for “Recess,” the rest of the shows on this list might not be around today. “Recess” was Disney Channel’s first hugely successful cartoon show that didn’t feature characters from old Disney properties. The show was 100% original and what made it so popular was its diverse collection of characters that every kid could relate to and the hi-jinks that ensued once the recess bell rang. Sure, some of the antics TJ, Vince, Spinelli, Gretchen, Mikey and Gus got into were a little wacky, but for the most part they dealt with all sorts of playground scenarios that most kids dealt with as well, whether it be bullying, playground politics or simply drumming up a rousing game of kickball or tag with your entire grade. With a theatrically released film, “Recess: School’s Out”, it’s hard to argue the fact that this show is the measuring stick when it comes to Disney Channel cartoons, and it’s extremely doubtful any show can top it, when you compare them to TJ and the gang aka the coolest gang around.

Which Disney Channel cartoon is your absolute favourite? And are you excited for “Phineas and Ferb: Candace Against the Universe”? Let us know in the comments below or on one of our social media channels. Also, make sure to follow us for all your Disney needs.

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